Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Close Cooling HX Modification

The Close Cooling system which use plate heat exchange so easy to dirty so to add more capacity of heat exchange can be change flow capacity by change the pump or add area capacity by add more plate...
But I have an idea as picture below but already refuse by many engineers.

It was begin from sea water temperature as main cooling right now already 33C that is not enough to adsorb heat transfer from Close Cooling System so we must thing another source of cooling system where the temperature operational at least 30C as commissioning

Instrument Air Dryer system is suitable for that.

Another way we should to upgrade the Plate Heat Exchequer from original based calculation with Sea Water inlet 33C,CCW Inlet 44.54C and CCW Outlet 38C.
Sea Water Flow 2270m3/h or 37.83 m3/min, CCW Flow 40 m3/min with Heat Transfer Area 645.58 m2

If we want CCW Outlet reduce from 38C to 37C needs Heat Transfer are 28.39% more as calculation below.


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