Sunday, June 25, 2023

Detail Technical Report

Detail Technical Report dealing with experimental investigation generally contain the following item :

1. Title
The title of report should be brief informative description of the report content.

2. Abstract
The reader often read this part to decide if they should read the report in detail. In abstract, in complete but concise sentence you state the presice objective, emphasize significant finding and present conclusion and/or recomendation.

3. Objective 
To state what is to be investigate through the performance of experiment

4. Theory and Analysis
To state partinent principles, law and equation.
To present analytical models that will be use in experiment
To define any unfamiliar terms or symbol 
To list important assumptions associated with experimental design

5. Apparatus and Experimental Procedures
To present a list apparatus and instrumentation to be used, incluidng the instrument range, least count and identification number.
To describe how you performed the experiment

6. Data and Result
Present the result of the experiment as describe in the state objectived, in tabular or graphic.

7. Discussion and result 
To emphasize and explain to the reader the important result of the experiment and point of their signficance

8. Concluson and Recomendation
Compare your objective with your experimental result

9. Appendix
Original data, diagram, suplement notes and display calculations

10. References
Book, Journal, Internet Materials

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