Figure 1.15 distribution shows of the von Mises strength right after foreign objects fallen on a pipe with a certain speed. Based on the contour, the conclusion that Von Mises strength maximum that occurs is of 274 MPa. If the value of this strength compared with the value of the yield strength, the initial design specifications (275 MPa), in theory the pipeline haven't experienced plastic deformation. But in fact, the pipeline has been plastic deformation as a result of the collision (see Figure 1.16).

On this simulation, pipe conditioned undergoing exposure to radiation from temperature of a gas combustion of 1,200 degree celcius according to the condition in the field. Based on the temperature contour distribution happened to pipe ( picture 1.17 ), the temperature at the surface pipe still settle at between 100 degree Celsius, which means still under temperature re-crystallizing material. Thus, plastic deformation from impact of foreign matter occurs in condition cold forming. This result in accordance with the metallurgy analysis result before.

The End.
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