Please visit Boiler Tube Research (Riser) Part 1 for previous explanation.
What conclusions can be drawn from the observation the macro economic indicators is:
1. There is a crack that toe a crack or fractured foot.
2.The cracks started of metal and pipe line between weld (HAZ).
3.Cracks toward the spread metal ( a ).
Cracks started on the legs with the high-voltage and cracking can also occur in metals in a microcomputer that prone to hydrogen (source: ASM handbook vol metals Vol-Six: welding, brazing and soldering). The cracks are one of the cold crack that originates from the surrounding surface of metal and climbing stem from a welding ( toe of the weld ) where of the high profile of the welds that produces a high voltage source: ( AWS - welding handbook inspection )
In previous paragraph of information and analysis of the geometry of the welds profile will be conducted besides do analysis of the metallurgy of propagation retaknya to see , as seen in images 4.7 to 4.19

Continue to Boiler Tuber Research (Riser) Part 3 Final.
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