Every employee in Indonesia who work on electricity should have certification standard of competition.
IATKI (Ikatan Ahli Teknik Ketenagalistrikan Indonesia)is one of the electrician community who deserve to test every employee to propose who can get certification of competent no matter they work on power station, transmission or distribution.
Why IATKI? The reason to upgrade Indonesian value or plant insurance reason so every employees should competent on each their job.

Ten days in Bandung we got training as an assessor from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Assessor is the persons who authorized to test the candidate from employee who propose from his/her place to be getting certificate of competent of his/her work.
IATKI activity in Paiton Unit 7&8 on 17-21 October 2011.

IATKI activity in PLTU Cilacap on 2-4 July 2013.
IATKI activity in Cirebon Unit 1&2 on 2-4 December 2014

IATKI activity in Paiton Unit 5 & 6 on 4-8 May 2015

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