If Nuclear good, why we prohibited to use it?”
President Eisenhower’s 1953 address to the United Nations in which he gave his famous “Atom for Peace”.
Indonesia Nuclear Power Station is still under planning to construction in Muria Mount central Java. Almost 99% people there still contra, only 1% including me is pro about this planning. The people there are afraid about the Chernobyl tragedy. But I have my different opinion. Nuclear is right choice to replace fossil fuel for base load power station because it can be build very large capacity.
How about renewable energy before use Nuclear?
Well… Geothermal Energy is expensive investment and only can built in medium capacity.
Solar, wind, hydro, tidal and OTEC energy only can be built only in low capacity.
We need something big capacity of energy.

All things always have risk. Look at the table beside!
Asia country like China, India, Korea, Pakistan and Iran already has Nuclear Power Station. I don’t hear they got a serious trouble about their Nuclear power Station. I think the technology of safety protection already grow well. We don’t have any reason to be worry if we seriously to be a leader country.
Nuclear power is derived from the fission of heavy element nuclei or the fusion of light element nuclei. In Nuclear reactor, the energy available from the fission process is capture as heat that is transferred to working fluids that are used to generate electricity. Uranium 235U is the primary fissile fuel currently used in nuclear power plants. It is an isotope of uranium that occurs naturally at about 0.72% of all natural uranium deposits. When 235U is burned (fissioned) in a reactor, it provides about 1 MW day of energy for each gram of 235U fissioned (3.71 x 10^10 BTU/lb).

The world’s first large scale nuclear power plant was the shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, which began operation in 1957. This reactor was a pressurized-water reactor (PWR). The plant produces 68 MW.

The first commercial-size boiling-water reactor (BWR) was the Dresden Nuclear Power Plant that began operation in 1960. This 200 MW plant was owned by Commonwealth Edison Company and was built by General Electric Company at Dresden, Illinois about 50 miles southwest Chicago.

These commercial power plants rapidly increased from 10 MW to 10.000 MW. Today, nuclear power plants are operating in 33 countries (not include Indonesia yet).
Click here for more info.
Click here for Russian Nuclear Power Station.
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